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Pastor’s Corner – June 13 2017

Blessings from Butner PC

June 13, 2017

“Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4)

Pastor’s Corner

This Sunday is Father’s Day. Father’s Day was first celebrated in 1910 in Spokane, Washington.  It was proposed by Sonora Dodd, after she heard a sermon about Mother’s Day.  Her father was a Civil War veteran and single parent who raised six children.  She originally advocated June 5th, her father’s birthday, but it was delayed until the third Sunday in June to allow pastors time to write their sermons.  However, it took years to gain widespread acceptance, detractors arguing that it was commercially motivated.  Ironically, one of the sponsors who helped Dodd promote the holiday was the New York Associated Men’s Wear Retailers.  Father’s Day did not become a permanent national holiday until 1972, when it was signed into law by President Nixon.

Being a parent – father or mother – is not easy. Those of you who are parents likely experienced both the highs and lows of parenthood – times when you were proud of your children and times when you were disappointed. (And I’m certain I exasperated my kids.) Looking to the Bible for a fatherly role model can be a challenge. Many of the male role models in the Bible were not necessarily great fathers. But on Sunday, we’ll look at one father in the Bible you may not have thought of.

For many of us, our own fathers were a source of our faith. For those of you whose fathers have passed on, I hope this week brings back fond memories. For those of you whose fathers are still with us, I hope you will take the time to express your love and appreciation for all they have done. And for those of you who are fathers, know that you do not face the challenges of parenthood alone. Our Heavenly Father walks with us on this journey, each and every day.

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