Blessings from Butner PC
August 9, 2017
“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” (Luke 12:6-7)
Pastor’s Corner
First, let me say how much I enjoyed the service last Sunday. I think it was a refreshing change of pace to have a worship service centered on music. I am grateful for Pam and Ben sharing their gifts with us. And, of course, the food was wonderful. Thanks to you all for sharing your favorite recipes. I heard more than one person say, “We should do this more often.” I guess it’s no wonder why so many of the events and stories in the Bible center on a meal.
Second, I want to talk about Elders. The Presbyterian Church is governed by a combination of Elders and pastors, in equal measure. We ordain Elders, just like pastors, and they serve the church in various ways – planning for worship, organizing mission opportunities, maintaining the building and grounds, preparing fellowship events, overseeing the finances, and helping to provide pastoral care. You don’t have to be an expert in any of these things to be an Elder. You just have to be willing to serve and willing to learn. There is some training for new Elders, but a lot is learned “on the job.” And Elders don’t have to do it all by themselves – they work with volunteers from the congregation to accomplish the “work of the church.” It can be a very rewarding experience. The Elders meet once a month, usually for one hour right after church, to discuss current and upcoming activities. Plus, there are usually some things to do between meetings. The term of an Elder at Butner PC is two years, instead of the usual three.
Of course, I mention all of this for a reason. We are coming up on the time to nominate a new class of Elders for 2018-2019. I would ask you to prayerfully consider putting your name in nomination. If you might be interested or would like to know more, please let me or one of the Elders know. We all have spiritual gifts – talents and ideas to share – and we are all called to use our spiritual gifts to serve the Lord. Will you answer the call?