Blessings from Butner PC
July 4, 2017
“Happy is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage.”(Ps 33:12)
Pastor’s Corner
Happy Fourth of July!
All over the country, people are celebrating our independence from England, eating hot dogs and watermelon and shooting off fireworks. We should remember, though, that the reason our ancestors sought refuge in the New World was to have religious freedom – the ability to choose when and how and where to worship God. In a very real sense, we owe our ability to gather at Butner Presbyterian every Sunday to the sacrifices made by our ancestors years ago. That is certainly cause to celebrate.
Let us remember, too, all of the men and women serving in our armed forces all over the world who cannot be with their families this week. May the Lord bless them and protect them as they protect us and our independence.
And finally, let us remember, too, that our independence comes with a responsibility. Honoring the sacrifices of our ancestors means taking full advantage of the religious freedom we have been given. It means living a life of faith and doing all that we can to ensure that their sacrifice was not made in vain.
Hope you have a safe and happy Independence Day!